
Packet capture tool three way hand shake
Packet capture tool three way hand shake

packet capture tool three way hand shake

Up.Īfter the packet capture is over, if you need to find someone else to analyze the captured data packet, you can click file on the menu, and then click Save As to save the captured data packet, as shown below: After the rules are written, click Start below to start capturing packets. Many of the rules we are going to talk about below are written in this box. Then Capture Filter is the place where you want to write the packet capture rules, also called "filter rules". After the network card is completed, the IP address of the network card will be displayed below.

packet capture tool three way hand shake

the top red box in the figure below is to select the network card that needs to be captured. Similarly, here are only the most commonly used functions. Next, let’s talk about the packet capture option interface, which is the interface that comes out by clicking the second button.

packet capture tool three way hand shake

The packet capture can be completed, the rest is how to capture the data packet you want, how to analyze the problem. In fact, generally we only need to know the button function in the bold part above. Clear the currently captured data packet, which can prevent the machine from becoming stuck in the packet capture time Stop packet capture, when After you finish capturing the packet, just click this to stop New packet capture, generally used rarely Display packet capture options, generally click this button to start packet capture -Start a List Display the network packet status of all network cards, generally used rarely After opening the software, the buttons in the red box below are from left to right: View Imageīriefly introduce some commonly used buttons of this software, because I have been in contact with this software for a short time, so I will simply talk about the most commonly used buttons. If you can’t remember, you can enter Wir in Baidu and you can see Baidu Smart Matching keywords, just choose the first address to download. When we encounter some network-related problems, we can use this tool to analyze, but it should be noted that this is just a tool and its usage is very flexible, so we will talk about it today The content may not help you solve the problem directly, but as long as you have the idea of ​​solving the problem, learning to use this software is very useful. Wireshark is a very easy-to-use packet capture tool.

Packet capture tool three way hand shake